
312: Hold My Crazy Uncle Bob

Fat Joey returns this week as Danny talks sexy statues, Toon is in a mood, Chris is from Boston, and Yams discovers a very interesting family member!

165: Hold My Brother

The Butter Gang grows yet again as Goodwin joins the group and butts heads with Gracious Host as the crew discusses the fabric of brotherhood and so much more.

164: The Church of H.M.B.

The original three of HMB are all alone this week, as the discuss Easter traditions, death, religion, racist cars, and how they would run their very own church.

Hold My Hammer

The gang tackle more headlines, personal stories, and odd facts this week as the review 2 Hats lime beer. 
We are looking for listener feed back and participation. You can contact us at or by going to and hitting the contact link. Enjoy, and as all ways, we'll hold your beer.

Hold My Comedian

Gracious Host, Chris, T.J., and Yams start talking and almost never stop. Football, wrestling,comedians, religion, beer, concerts, and a lot more are covered on this very free flowing episode of Hold My Beer.