
246: Hold My Dolphin Dog

Old Kelly returns to learn how to properly discuss politics as the crew drink baggies of nasty vodka and learn about towns with funny names. Also… apparently dolphins use to be dogs… If you would like to draw a picture of what you think Gracious Host Danny Mawenz looks like, you can submit you’re drawing to the podcast at http://www.thenandnowproductions.com/new-page

Hold My Gator

The core four reunite to talk cheap soda, freaky Florida news, and confrontations. Then the four try Da Bomb hot sauce... and share their thoughts.

Hold My Teddy Bush

T.J. played some shows, some people got murdered, some beers got drank, and some laughs were had.

Hold My Politics and Poltergeists

The tribe called Mawenz is joined once again by Yams. Hear tales of a politician's trip to our home town, true crimes including priests and homeless people, and as a bonus, Chris forces everyone to try a less than favorable beverage in his new segment, Hold My Beer Review, where, shockingly, we review a beer.