
Episode 68- Top 5 Fictional Worlds: Danny Gets Woke

On this episode of Then & Now, Robert and Danny are joined by the other Mawenz brother, Chris, to discuss their top 5 fictional worlds they would want to live in. They also discuss starter Pokemon. Danny gets woke, and discusses a new form of currency. Robert gets angry… again.


What fictional world would you want to live in? Let us know at or hit our contact link at

Episode 62 - Top 5 video game villains: I’m a true artist.

What is a hero without his villain? Robert and Danny list the bad guys they love to hate. They talk about some bad movies.  Robert talks about the middle school that they went to.  Robert reminds Danny of his dumb fingers. 


Who is your favorite villain? Got an idea for a future episode? Contact us at or hit our contact link on

Episode 39 - Free for All: Happy Anniversary

Robert and Danny have been podcasting a whole year! They talk about how they got started and some of their favorite episodes. Robert has a quick Nerd News announcement. Also even though they forget to say so at the end of the episode. Thank you all for listening and making this first year of Then & Now Productions fly by so fast. Thank you all, very much.

Episode 14 - Batman: We Stomp Hard!

In this episode of Then & Now Robert and Danny discuss Batman, the controversy of old school batman killing, the different forms of media Batman has been represented in, and a home invasion. Also, we're very proud to announce, THENANDNOWPRODUCTIONS.COM our new website that we'll be using to get you all of our shows that we have and we have more in the pipeline. Thank you and happy listening!

Episode 1 - Pilot: This is not a wrestling podcast!

Hello friends! The first episode of our new podcast, Then & Now, a nerd podcast talking about nerd things, is now available! We will post a new episode every Sunday at 10:00 P.M. (E.T.) In this introductory podcast Danny and Robert talk about themselves and discuss what the show will and will not be. We hope you enjoy! Next Week we talk Dragon Ball And Dragon Ball Z.